Tuesday, May 25, 2010



Hi All! As we move forward in building our brand, an opportunity so extra ordinary has presented itself. Knowing that we just launched our line at the "Everything to do with sex show" in November of last year, I knew that we have a slight disadvantage going in to the "Den". That's right, CBC's Dragon's Den!

On April the 7th while watching a re-run episode of the show, a comment was made on air that really took me by surprise! As a matter of fact I instantly jumped up and applied online. Not knowing when the cut off date was, I checked out their calendar, and wouldn't you know it, it was the 10th of April...yes, that same Saturday!

I was really not expecting to hear back from CBC, as let's face it this line is very "cheeky" and really an 18+ kind of a product. Though to my surprise, they did call the next day asking me to come out to their "last" audition. I hesitated, but decided to take the plunge anyhow.

Shortly after my audition, the producers of the show stated that no "executive" decision was being made on the spot, however they would be in touch should I be selected to appear on the show.

Again, not expecting a call due to the reasons mentioned above. I did indeed get "the call". Wow! Boxxxers(tm) is going to get pitched to the "Dragon's"! Beating out 4000 applicants in over 40 Cities across Canada! What are the odds of that? Our "secret pocket" combined with our "witty" sexual animal characters are that unique. I knew we already were as the Trade Show last year really reinforced our expectations.

On May 18th, we were in action! The experience of seeing the "Dragon's" (Canada's Elite Business Men/Women) in the flesh commenting on our product was over whelming in itself, and very exciting! Really a once in a lifetime opportunity!

The results of the show I cannot disclose. Though I personally invite you all to check out the show starting late September. I posted the link in this blog for more details.

To all who believe in our mission of being Canada's innovating Marketing Team promoting safe sex in a never before seen way, I thank you for your support from the bottom of my heart. Being part of our Facebook Group/Fan Page really shows that you care!

A special "Thank you" goes out to all who are an integral part of this project as well. You know who you are! We would not be where we are today without you!

All the best...Tomas.


1 comment:

  1. cannot wait to watch it... good luck....
